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Room related messages

Create room

Field name Type Required Description
type string Y Value must be CreateRoom
join_request boolean N User need an approvement from moderator or admin to join the room. Default: false
name string N Room name
description string N Room description
access_type AccessType N Definition for who can access and see the room. Default: 0
max_user number N Maximum number for participants. Use 0 for unlimited participants. Default: 0
tags [string] N Array of tag.
metas [Meta] N Array of Meta information. This is room based information and have access level to whom see that information.

Example requests:

    "type": "CreateRoom",
    "access_type": 1,
    "max_user": 1,
    "metas": {
        "min-score": 5000,
        "country": "DK"
    "type": "CreateRoom",
    "tags": ["test 1", "test 2", "test 3"]
Field name Type Nullable Description
status boolean N Value should be true
type string N Value must be RoomCreated
room_id string N Room's ID

Example requests:

    "status": true,
    "type": "CreateRoom",
    "room_id": "8e4d7516-1ee7-47d2-9387-438de3db37b9"
Field name Type Nullable Description
status boolean N Value should be false
error string N Error message

Example response::

    "status": false,
    "error": "User joined to other room"

Join to room

Joining to room require a little more attention than other parts. Room can be configurable based on the owners decitions. It means that, there are couple of parameters and based on parameters, user can be join to room directly or wait in the lobby to be accepted by room owner or moderator.

Field name Type Required Description Default value
type string Y Value must be JoinToRoom
room_id string Y Room's ID
room_user_type RoomUserType N User type at the room 1

Example requests:

    "type": "JoinToRoom",
    "room_id": "8c366421-f7d8-47e1-8eed-82915280ce30"
    "type": "JoinToRoom",
    "room_id": "8c366421-f7d8-47e1-8eed-82915280ce30",
    "room_user_type": 3
Field name Type Nullable Description
status boolean N Value should be true
type string N Value must be Joined
room_id string N Room's ID
room_name string Y Room's name
users RoomUser N Array of RoomUser.
metas [Meta] N Array of Meta information. This is room based information and have access level to whom see that information.

Example requests:

    "status": true,
    "type": "JoinToRoom",
    "room_name": null,
    "users": [
            "user_id": "bf66435f-705a-48aa-aeed-da06e5e29833",
            "name": null,
            "type": 1
            "user_id": "8c365226-06cd-4140-9e31-f6b9a73d6b78",
            "name": null,
            "type": 3
Field name Type Nullable Description
status boolean N Value should be false
error string N Error message

Example response::

    "status": false,
    "error": "User joined to other room"

Message objects


Who can access the room.

Value Meaning Information
0 Public The room can be searchable by everyone and anyone can join to room.
1 Private The room available only with the key
2 Friend Friends can see and can join to room


User's authorization in this room

Value Meaning
1 User
2 Moderator
3 Owner