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Auth API's

Auth via email

def pre_email_auth(model):

def post_email_auth(model, successed):
Name Return Description
get_user_id() string Get authenticated user id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_session_id() string Get authenticated session id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_email() string User's emaill address.
get_password() string User's password
get_create() boolean If the user not available on the system, create the user.
set_email(string) Set user's email address.
set_password(string) Set user's password address.
set_create(boolean) Set create information. Please check get_create for more information.

Auth via device id

def pre_deviceid_auth(model):

def post_deviceid_auth(model, successed):
Name Return Description
get_user_id() string Get authenticated user id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_session_id() string Get authenticated session id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_id() string Get device id.
set_id(string) Set device id.

Auth via custom id

def pre_customid_auth(model):

def post_customid_auth(model, successed):
Name Return Description
get_user_id() string Get authenticated user id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_session_id() string Get authenticated session id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_id() string Get custom id.
set_id(string) Set custom id.


def pre_logout(model):

def post_logout(model, successed):
Name Return Description
get_user_id() string Get authenticated user id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_session_id() string Get authenticated session id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.

Restore token

def pre_restore_token(model):

def post_restore_token(model, successed):
Name Return Description
get_user_id() string Get authenticated user id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_session_id() string Get authenticated session id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_token() string Get token.
set_token() Set token.

Refresh token

def pre_refresh_token(model):

def post_refresh_token(model, successed):
Name Return Description
get_user_id() string Get authenticated user id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_session_id() string Get authenticated session id. If user not authenticated, value will be empty.
get_token() string Get token.
set_token() Set token.