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Python Scripting

Yummy has Python Programming Language support. You can control the flow via Python scripts and it is very easy to write. All Auth module can be controlled over Python and the system has default Python script to start modification. Yummy will have more robust Python support but for now, we have limited support. Also, all Python scripts are stateful, it means that if you change variable at runtime, it will change that variable for all other requests.

Yummy scan all available Python files and import into the system. You should configure DEFAULT_PYTHON_FILES_PATH parameter to change default path. You should check yummy-server/py/ files see all available API's.

Also, there is example about how to use Python to control flow and logic. Please check a look at the examples/tic-tac-toe from the repository.


There is a one critical issue can be impect your Python implementation.

Never save/assign Model to Python list/dict/variable. That will impect Yummy stability and the system will CRASH at first request. But, nice thing is that you will get information about why it is crashed and clearly, you can read that problem at logs.

Here is the one the example for DO NOT DO THIS.

messages = {}

def pre_email_auth(model):
    messages.pre_auth = model

def post_email_auth(model, successed):
    messages.post_auth = model

Execution flow

    Client->>Server: Request
    Server->>pre_process: Pass model
    activate pre_process
    rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
        pre_process->>core_process: Pass model
        deactivate pre_process
        activate core_process
        core_process->>post_process: Pass model and status
        deactivate core_process
        activate post_process

    pre_process-->>Server: Failed
    core_process-->>Server: Failed
    post_process-->>Server: Failed
    post_process-->>Server: Successed
    deactivate post_process
    Server->>Client: Response

    Note over pre_process, post_process: Processing the received message

    box Server
        participant Server
        participant pre_process
        participant core_process
        participant post_process
  1. Client send message to Server.
  2. Server will pass received model to pre_process operation. That is the python function what we customized. We can update the model and updated model will be passed to core_process. This stage mostly used for validating model or updating it. Lets says, you dont want to use clients value and force to use your value, you can update model. Like, maximum size of the room.
  3. core_process receive the message from pre_process function and execute internal logics. The system can send message to some other clients.
  4. When core_process finish internal execution, the system call post_process python function. But, in this case, the system pass two parameter instead of one. First argument is model, seconds argument is core_process status. If the some information is missing or there is a issue, second argument will be False. But, if everything is normal and as expected, parameter will be True. This stage mostly used to finilize checks or logics. Like, if the client send a message to room and we want to update room metadata, we should check the status variable and update room metadata.
  5. Flow can be stopped at pre_process stage. Maybe code is not valid or intentionally flow needs to be stopped. You can use fail() function to do that.
  6. Flow can be stopped at core_process stage.
  7. Flow can be stopped at post_process stage. Maybe code is not valid or intentionally flow needs to be stopped. You can use fail() function to do that.
  8. If the everything went well, the system response message(s) to Server.
  9. Server will send message to Client.


  • Database access
  • Stateless access